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A Hands-On Guide to Snapshots and Time Travel in Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is an open table format designed for managing petabyte-scale analytic datasets, providing a high-performance solution for modern data lakehouse architectures. By enabling object storage to serve as the backbone of the analytical stack, Iceberg allows organizations to leverage cost-effective and scalable storage solutions without compromising on performance. By addressing common challenges like data consistency, schema evolution, and performance, Iceberg has become a game-changer for handling large-scale data.

This blog will explore how Iceberg's advanced snapshot creation and time travel features work, delving into the metadata file structure, snapshot log, and the atomic swap mechanism guaranteeing data consistency. Using hands-on examples, we’ll illustrate how Iceberg easily allows consistent data state retrieval and time travel queries. All the examples are built using dockers-compose so that it's easy to use without setting up any services on your machine.

Snapshot Creation

Snapshot forms one of Iceberg's fundamental abstractions, which unlocks a bunch of other features like time travel, re-constructing table state, and views. Every time an Iceberg table is updated—whether through insertions, deletions, or schema changes—Iceberg creates a new snapshot.Each snapshot writes these files:

  • root metadata file
  • manifest list file
  • manifest file
  • data files

Every snapshot writes its root metadata file, making multiple simultaneous writes possible. The final decision about which write gets registered as the next commit representing the incremental snapshot will happen through its registration in the Iceberg catalog (We’ll learn more about this in the upcoming blogs).

File Hierarchy in Iceberg

Let's first understand how these files are laid out and what they contain at a higher level. Apache Iceberg organizes its data in a hierarchical file structure:

  1. Root Metadata File: It is the central metadata file containing the entire table state
  2. Manifest Lists: These are files referenced by the root metadata file that point to manifest files.
  3. Manifest Files: These files hold information about actual data files (such as Parquet, ORC, or Avro).
  4. Data Files: They contain the actual table data stored as Parquet files.

This structured metadata model enables Iceberg to manage data and snapshots efficiently, supporting time travel capabilities with minimal overhead. Let’s dive into learning this firsthand through code examples.

Diving in Detail


Now, to study these files in detail, let's try to localize them with the example provided here: https://iceberg.apache.org/spark-quickstart
This is the docker-compose file:

version: "3"

    image: tabulario/spark-iceberg
    container_name: spark-iceberg
    build: spark/
      - rest
      - minio
      - ./warehouse:/home/iceberg/warehouse
      - ./notebooks:/home/iceberg/notebooks/notebooks
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
      - 8888:8888
      - 8080:8080
      - 10000:10000
      - 10001:10001
    image: tabulario/iceberg-rest
    container_name: iceberg-rest
      - 8181:8181
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
      - CATALOG_WAREHOUSE=s3://warehouse/
      - CATALOG_IO__IMPL=org.apache.iceberg.aws.s3.S3FileIO
      - CATALOG_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
    image: minio/minio
    container_name: minio
      - MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin
      - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      - MINIO_DOMAIN=minio
          - warehouse.minio
      - 9001:9001
      - 9000:9000
    command: ["server", "/data", "--console-address", ":9001"]
      - minio
    image: minio/mc
    container_name: mc
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
    entrypoint: >
      /bin/sh -c "
      until (/usr/bin/mc config host add minio http://minio:9000 admin password) do echo '...waiting...' && sleep 1; done;
      /usr/bin/mc rm -r --force minio/warehouse;
      /usr/bin/mc mb minio/warehouse;
      /usr/bin/mc policy set public minio/warehouse;
      tail -f /dev/null

We save this file and run docker-compose up. Once all the containers are up, we’ll enter a spark-sql prompt to create our table and write.

docker exec -it spark-iceberg spark-sql

Let's create a table using:

CREATE TABLE demo.nyc.taxis
	vendor_id bigint,
	trip_id bigint,
	trip_distance float,
	fare_amount double,
	store_and_fwd_flag string
	PARTITIONED BY (vendor_id);

In this state, let's examine the metadata files and folders written inside Minio(Amazon S3’s open-source performance alternative that runs locally easily inside a docker container). To explore it, visit http://localhost:9001/ and enter your credentials as admin and password.

Now navigate to warehouse > nyc > taxis > metadata (note: we still need a data folder here). You will notice a file with format 00000-<uuid>.metadata.json. This is our table metadata file representing the newly created table.

At this point, without data and only containing the schema of the table, the directory tree looks like this:

└── nyc
    └── taxis
        └── metadata
            └── 00000-b3b5b32f-77a0-4bd9-a642-89afcfd1db35.metadata.json
                └── xl.meta

Root Table Metadata File

On downloading the file and viewing it, we get:

  "format-version" : 2,
  "table-uuid" : "64919af4-5340-4aba-aa5a-93002be409b0",
  "location" : "s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis",
  "last-sequence-number" : 0,
  "last-updated-ms" : 1731430316331,
  "last-column-id" : 5,
  "current-schema-id" : 0,
  "schemas" : [ {
    "type" : "struct",
    "schema-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "id" : 1,
      "name" : "vendor_id",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "long"
    }, {
      "id" : 2,
      "name" : "trip_id",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "long"
    }, {
      "id" : 3,
      "name" : "trip_distance",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "float"
    }, {
      "id" : 4,
      "name" : "fare_amount",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "double"
    }, {
      "id" : 5,
      "name" : "store_and_fwd_flag",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "string"
    } ]
  } ],
  "default-spec-id" : 0,
  "partition-specs" : [ {
    "spec-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "name" : "vendor_id",
      "transform" : "identity",
      "source-id" : 1,
      "field-id" : 1000
    } ]
  } ],
  "last-partition-id" : 1000,
  "default-sort-order-id" : 0,
  "sort-orders" : [ {
    "order-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ ]
  } ],
  "properties" : {
    "owner" : "root",
    "write.parquet.compression-codec" : "zstd"
  "current-snapshot-id" : -1,
  "refs" : { },
  "snapshots" : [ ],
  "statistics" : [ ],
  "partition-statistics" : [ ],
  "snapshot-log" : [ ],
  "metadata-log" : [ ]

This does not yet contain snapshots since we haven’t added data to the table. It is only an indication of a new table's creation. It stores important information like schema, partition spec, and location.

Now let's write and see what changes under warehouse > nyc > taxis.

We will insert row entries into the empty table in this manner, this is the first time we’re writing the tabular data into the table:

INSERT INTO demo.nyc.taxis
VALUES (1, 1000371, 1.8, 15.32, 'N'), (2, 1000372, 2.5, 22.15, 'N'), (2, 1000373, 0.9, 9.01, 'N'), (1, 1000374, 8.4, 42.13, 'Y');

Once the data is written, you can see that we have a new folder named data. As you guessed, this new folder contains the data you just added to the table.

It’s important to notice that there are also changes under metadata dir.

You will see three new files: two ending with .avro which we will explore later, and one of format 00001-uuid.metadata.json—the root metadata file of the snapshot we discussed.

After writing four rows of data, the state of the table looks like the following:

| vendor_id | trip_id  | trip_distance | fare_amount | store_and_fwd_flag  |
| 1         | 1000371  | 1.8           | 15.32       | N                   |
| 1         | 1000374  | 8.4           | 42.13       | Y                   |
| 2         | 1000372  | 2.5           | 22.15       | N                   |
| 2         | 1000373  | 0.9           | 9.01        | N                   |

The directory tree inside Minio object storage for the corresponding state of the table look like the following:

└── nyc
    └── taxis
        ├── data
        │   ├── vendor_id=1
        │   │   └── 00000-4-72dc2f30-f9b8-4e7f-af24-384ea79952ea-0-00001.parquet
        │   │       └── xl.meta
        │   └── vendor_id=2
        │       └── 00000-4-72dc2f30-f9b8-4e7f-af24-384ea79952ea-0-00002.parquet
        │           └── xl.meta
        └── metadata
            ├── 00000-b3b5b32f-77a0-4bd9-a642-89afcfd1db35.metadata.json
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 00001-ca824b7e-7e46-4c0c-b58f-2b6a55b87eac.metadata.json
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 07b8f402-ec35-4eaf-87f2-a351d9f2b13d-m0.avro
            │   └── xl.meta
            └── snap-326927364746531255-1-07b8f402-ec35-4eaf-87f2-a351d9f2b13d.avro
                └── xl.meta

Snapshot File

Let's download our new JSON file from the browser and explore it:

  "format-version" : 2,
  "table-uuid" : "64919af4-5340-4aba-aa5a-93002be409b0",
  "location" : "s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis",
  "last-sequence-number" : 1,
  "last-updated-ms" : 1731430821537,
  "last-column-id" : 5,
  "current-schema-id" : 0,
  "schemas" : [ {
    "type" : "struct",
    "schema-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "id" : 1,
      "name" : "vendor_id",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "long"
    }, {
      "id" : 2,
      "name" : "trip_id",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "long"
    }, {
      "id" : 3,
      "name" : "trip_distance",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "float"
    }, {
      "id" : 4,
      "name" : "fare_amount",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "double"
    }, {
      "id" : 5,
      "name" : "store_and_fwd_flag",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "string"
    } ]
  } ],
  "default-spec-id" : 0,
  "partition-specs" : [ {
    "spec-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "name" : "vendor_id",
      "transform" : "identity",
      "source-id" : 1,
      "field-id" : 1000
    } ]
  } ],
  "last-partition-id" : 1000,
  "default-sort-order-id" : 0,
  "sort-orders" : [ {
    "order-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ ]
  } ],
  "properties" : {
    "owner" : "root",
    "write.parquet.compression-codec" : "zstd"
  "current-snapshot-id" : 5288760946744945553,
  "refs" : {
    "main" : {
      "snapshot-id" : 5288760946744945553,
      "type" : "branch"
  "snapshots" : [ {
    "sequence-number" : 1,
    "snapshot-id" : 5288760946744945553,
    "timestamp-ms" : 1731430821537,
    "summary" : {
      "operation" : "append",
      "spark.app.id" : "local-1731429992596",
      "added-data-files" : "2",
      "added-records" : "4",
      "added-files-size" : "3074",
      "changed-partition-count" : "2",
      "total-records" : "4",
      "total-files-size" : "3074",
      "total-data-files" : "2",
      "total-delete-files" : "0",
      "total-position-deletes" : "0",
      "total-equality-deletes" : "0"
    "manifest-list" : "s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/metadata/snap-5288760946744945553-1-34ebd771-5245-4ca7-8cab-d80b094bbcd0.avro",
    "schema-id" : 0
  } ],
  "statistics" : [ ],
  "partition-statistics" : [ ],
  "snapshot-log" : [ {
    "timestamp-ms" : 1731430821537,
    "snapshot-id" : 5288760946744945553
  } ],
  "metadata-log" : [ {
    "timestamp-ms" : 1731430316331,
    "metadata-file" : "s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/metadata/00000-0fbb5ecb-6357-4571-bd80-97ba28994012.metadata.json"
  } ]

We see the population of various new fields. A snapshot file has these fields:

  1. snapshot-id
  2. parent-snapshot-id
  3. sequence-number
  4. timestamp-ms
  5. manifest-list
  6. manifests
  7. summary
  8. schema-id
  9. first-row-id

As listed in https://iceberg.apache.org/spec/#snapshots

We can verify the structure of JSON to ensure our writes are registered correctly.

Our last operation on the table was an insert operation, which has an append type. We added four records, reflected by the added-records. The number of data files added is mentioned by added-data-files. We can verify this by visiting warehouse > nyc > taxis > data. You will observe two folders, each containing a single file placed according to the partition key.

Manifest List File

As the name suggests, a manifest list file lists the manifest file(s) associated with a particular snapshot. These manifest files point to data files containing rows of data in the table.

Let’s say a row is inserted at snapshot S1(=M1 -- corresponding manifest file) and updated later on snapshot S2(=M2 -- corresponding manifest file). The manifest list of S2 will contain M1 and M2.

Since this is an avro file, we can't inspect its text directly. However, we can leverage spark-sql to query these files. Firstly, let's try to see the snapshot by running:

select snapshot_id, manifest_list from demo.nyc.taxis.snapshots;

This outputs:

8253356480484172902     s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/metadata/snap-8253356480484172902-1-b8ea2e6e-979f-4511-a3dd-9d155ced2da1.avro

We see our manifest list files as:


Next, let's check the contents of this manifest list by running:

select * from demo.nyc.taxis.manifests;

This outputs:

0       s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/metadata/b8ea2e6e-979f-4511-a3dd-9d155ced2da1-m0.avro  7211    0       8253356480484172902     2       0       0       0       0       0       [{"contains_null":false,"contains_nan":false,"lower_bound":"1","upper_bound":"2"}]

We see this manifest list contains one manifest file:
s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/metadata/b8ea2e6e-979f-4511-a3dd-9d155ced2da1-m0.avro, and some metadata:[{"contains_null":false,"contains_nan":false,"lower_bound":"1","upper_bound":"2"}]

The manifest files contain not only the path to the data files but also metadata with useful statistics about them.

Here are some quick statistics the metadata inside the manifest files provide:

  • does containnull values
  • does not containnan values
  • vendor_id has lower bound as 1
  • vendor_id has lower bound as 2

Manifest File

Let's check the contents of the manifest file by running:

select * from demo.nyc.taxis.files;;

This outputs:

0       s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/data/vendor_id=1/00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00001.parquet  PARQUET 0       {"vendor_id":1} 2       1516    {1:70,2:48,3:40,4:48,5:42}      {1:2,2:2,3:2,4:2,5:2}   {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0}   {3:0,4:0}    {1:,2:�C,3:ff�?,4:�p=
ף.@,5:N}        {1:,2:�C,3:ffA,4:q=
ףE@,5:Y}        NULL    [4]     NULL    0       
  "fare_amount": {
    "column_size": 48,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": 0,
    "lower_bound": 15.32,
    "upper_bound": 42.13
  "store_and_fwd_flag": {
    "column_size": 42,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": "N",
    "upper_bound": "Y"
  "trip_distance": {
    "column_size": 40,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": 0,
    "lower_bound": 1.8,
    "upper_bound": 8.4
  "trip_id": {
    "column_size": 48,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": 1000371,
    "upper_bound": 1000374
  "vendor_id": {
    "column_size": 70,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": 1,
    "upper_bound": 1


0       s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/data/vendor_id=2/00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00002.parquet  PARQUET 0       {"vendor_id":2} 2       1558    {1:70,2:48,3:40,4:48,5:67}      {1:2,2:2,3:2,4:2,5:2}   {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0}   {3:0,4:0}    {1:,2:�C,3:fff?,4:��Q�"@,5:N}   {1:,2:�C,3: @,4:fffff&6@,5:N}   NULL    [4]     NULL    0       
  "fare_amount": {
    "column_size": 48,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": 0,
    "lower_bound": 9.01,
    "upper_bound": 22.15
  "store_and_fwd_flag": {
    "column_size": 67,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": "N",
    "upper_bound": "N"
  "trip_distance": {
    "column_size": 40,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": 0,
    "lower_bound": 0.9,
    "upper_bound": 2.5
  "trip_id": {
    "column_size": 48,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": 1000372,
    "upper_bound": 1000373
  "vendor_id": {
    "column_size": 70,
    "value_count": 2,
    "null_value_count": 0,
    "nan_value_count": null,
    "lower_bound": 2,
    "upper_bound": 2

This returns two entries corresponding to two parquet data files we have at these locations:

  • s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/data/vendor_id=1/00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00001.parquet
  • s3://warehouse/nyc/taxis/data/vendor_id=2/00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00002.parquet

Iceberg uses PARQUET format to store data, and the metadata with statistics are stored inside the manifest files. These statistics help trim data before reading all data files in detail. For instance, In the last column of the manifest file, we have specific stats for each of the columns for fare_amount:

  • fare_item
    • column's size is 48
    • value's count is 2
    • there are no null values
    • there are no nan values
    • lower bound is 9.02
    • upper bound is 22.15

Parquet Data File

We can query back our data using:

select * from demo.nyc.taxis.files;

But how can we check parquet files directly? We’ll use a friendly Rust-based parquet reader CLI: https://github.com/manojkarthick/pqrspqrs cat inspects contents of a parquet file. For our case, it would be:

pqrs cat 00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00001.parquet
pqrs cat 00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00002.parquet

This outputs:

File: 00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00001.parquet

{vendor_id: 1, trip_id: 1000371, trip_distance: 1.8, fare_amount: 15.32, store_and_fwd_flag: "N"}
{vendor_id: 1, trip_id: 1000374, trip_distance: 8.4, fare_amount: 42.13, store_and_fwd_flag: "Y"}


File: 00000-4-49cbfb21-063f-41d3-b9bf-04a6a991739a-0-00002.parquet

{vendor_id: 2, trip_id: 1000372, trip_distance: 2.5, fare_amount: 22.15, store_and_fwd_flag: "N"}
{vendor_id: 2, trip_id: 1000373, trip_distance: 0.9, fare_amount: 9.01, store_and_fwd_flag: "N"}

It gives us the four entries precisely as we have inserted in our query! As you can see, the actual data is stored inside

Leveraging Snapshots for Time Travel Queries

With Iceberg, we can query historical data states as they existed in any past snapshot. Using the snapshot log, we can retrieve and use any previous snapshot ID to access the table’s state at that specific time.

Let's see this in action: We only have one snapshot representing one batch of data we wrote into the table.

Let’s write another row of data into the table, thus altering the state of the table and leading to the creation of the new snapshot. (Note: In ideal production environments, you never write one entry at a time into Iceberg tables; you need thousands of records/rows and write at once. We’ll learn more about this in future blogs).

INSERT INTO demo.nyc.taxis VALUES (3, 1000671, 2.1, 11.67, 'W');

On listing all the rows in our table, we get, you can see the newly added row in the table state:

| vendor_id | trip_id  | trip_distance | fare_amount | store_and_fwd_flag |
| 3         | 1000671  | 2.1           | 11.67       | W                   |
| 1         | 1000371  | 1.8           | 15.32       | N                   |
| 1         | 1000374  | 8.4           | 42.13       | Y                   |
| 2         | 1000372  | 2.5           | 22.15       | N                   |
| 2         | 1000373  | 0.9           | 9.01        | N                   |

After the second write, which leads to the creation of the new state of the table, hence the new snapshot, the metadata looks like this:

As you can see, the new snapshot creates a new tree of files to represent the latest state of the table. But, notice that the new manifest list (Manifest list-2) also points to the Manifest file (Manifest-1) from the first snapshot to represent the data from the first write/snapshot. The new state of the table now includes the data from the first snapshot + the data from the second snapshot.

This tree structure underneath, allows us to retrieve the state of the table at any given version of the snapshot, which we can use as the time travel feature. This is how, we can load our first snapshot by specifying the snapshot ID:

select * from demo.nyc.taxis version as of 8253356480484172902;

This outputs:

1       1000371 1.8     15.32   N
1       1000374 8.4     42.13   Y
2       1000372 2.5     22.15   N
2       1000373 0.9     9.01    N

As you can see, the newly written row from the latest snapshot entry is not present, we were indeed able to seamlessly time travel to the first version of the table! This time travel capability is essential for analytical and auditing purposes, providing flexibility in data management.And now, the directory tree looks like this:

└── nyc
    └── taxis
        ├── data
        │   ├── vendor_id=1
        │   │   └── 00000-4-72dc2f30-f9b8-4e7f-af24-384ea79952ea-0-00001.parquet
        │   │       └── xl.meta
        │   ├── vendor_id=2
        │   │   └── 00000-4-72dc2f30-f9b8-4e7f-af24-384ea79952ea-0-00002.parquet
        │   │       └── xl.meta
        │   └── vendor_id=3
        │       └── 00000-6-dd109de5-b321-4a30-8a75-6d75c3cc2816-0-00001.parquet
        │           └── xl.meta
        └── metadata
            ├── 00000-b3b5b32f-77a0-4bd9-a642-89afcfd1db35.metadata.json
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 00001-ca824b7e-7e46-4c0c-b58f-2b6a55b87eac.metadata.json
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 00002-b17fc0f7-28d5-4ea9-9ff3-f4cfb34d5887.metadata.json
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 07b8f402-ec35-4eaf-87f2-a351d9f2b13d-m0.avro
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── 4f8b88b1-1de9-46ba-a4b7-0ecd078e3bce-m0.avro
            │   └── xl.meta
            ├── snap-326927364746531255-1-07b8f402-ec35-4eaf-87f2-a351d9f2b13d.avro
            │   └── xl.meta
            └── snap-604029234644286416-1-4f8b88b1-1de9-46ba-a4b7-0ecd078e3bce.avro
                └── xl.meta    


Iceberg’s snapshot creation and time travel features are built on a robust hierarchical metadata structure. The root metadata file acts as the primary point of reference for the table’s state, and the manifest list acts as a pointer to the manifest files, which in turn contain the path and statistics about the actual data files containing the table data.

Thank you for your time reading this blog; stay tuned to more episodes around the Apache Iceberg open-table format internals!

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How do I integrate e6data with my existing data infrastructure?

We are universally interoperable and open-source friendly. We can integrate across any object store, table format, data catalog, governance tools, BI tools, and other data applications.

How does billing work?

We use a usage-based pricing model based on vCPU consumption. Your billing is determined by the number of vCPUs used, ensuring you only pay for the compute power you actually consume.

What kind of file formats does e6data support?

We support all types of file formats, like Parquet, ORC, JSON, CSV, AVRO, and others.

What kind of performance improvements can I expect with e6data?

e6data promises a 5 to 10 times faster querying speed across any concurrency at over 50% lower total cost of ownership across the workloads as compared to any compute engine in the market.

What kinds of deployment models are available at e6data ?

We support serverless and in-VPC deployment models. 

How does e6data handle data governance rules?

We can integrate with your existing governance tool, and also have an in-house offering for data governance, access control, and security.